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Post-Abortion Recovery in Spokane WA

We often believe that having an abortion will allow for a stress-free, guilt-free future.  It seemed like the best, or maybe only, option to an impossible situation. Even reading this, you may be thinking everything is fine, but are you willing to gaze a bit deeper and take a closer look? 



  • Why your relationships are difficult and uncomfortable for no apparent reason?

  • Why you sense something is wrong with you?

  • Why you feel incomplete or empty?


After an abortion, many dismiss this unsettled emptiness and may simply ignore it.


At Path of Life our experienced volunteers walk with you as you seek healing and restoration with yourself, God and others through support groups for women or men. Path of Life facilitators provide confidential help, giving you the opportunity, time and space to examine your individual experience. You can know healing through the Truth that comes from meeting God in your circumstances.  Another service offered at Path of Life is pregnancy loss groups for those who have experienced miscarriage.


Abortion Support Groups in the Spokane area

Groups are ongoing and start several times throughout the year. For the confidentiality of group members, group times and locations are not posted on our website. Please contact Path of Life at 509.444.9035 (call or text), email for more information

After Abortion Recovery for Men

We have support groups for men following an abortion. Men who have encountered and abortion are also in need of support. These types of support groups are led by trained consultants who are trained to identify post-abortive issues and to assist clients as they work to identify feelings surrounding the abortion, grieve the loss of the child or children, accept God's forgiveness, and cope with the loss.

In Their Own Words . . . . 

Honestly I didn't feel like I needed this group.  I was here because I am volunteering. Later discovered that I deeply needed the group and needed to have forgiveness and restoration for myself.


I am grateful you have these groups.  I think people are upset about babies being killed and don't realize the damage that happens to moms and dads and how Satan uses it to steal, kill and destroy even more.  It is wonderful that you are a light shining in darkness helping captives get set free.


I felt like I had nobody to share this with because I was so ashamed.  I felt, everyday, a sadness.  I always cried and didn't know why.


Seven years is a long time to hold something painful inside of your heart.


I realized that I'm like an M&M.  My hard cover dissolved away through the group so my chocolaty middle could melt away with God's help.


I was so nervous and overwhelmed to come to the first group meeting, but at the same time relieved that I could finally share my experience with other women who also have had an abortion.


I John 3:19 is now underlined in my Bible.  This then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence, whenever our hearts condemn us. For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything.


One of the things I loved most about the group was taking the ultimate responsibility myself, but realizing who and what influenced my decision.

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

Psalm 16:11

  103 E. Indiana, Suite B, Spokane, WA 99207    |    509.444.9035    |    |    © 2023 Path of Life 

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