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Path of Life is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, existing solely from the help of volunteers and financial donations of individuals and churches. As a relationship resource ministry, we provide services for pregnancy, post abortion recovery, and unwanted same sex attraction and gender identity issues

Thank you in advance for generously donating to Path of Life!  There are fourways to give:

  1. Mail a check to 103 East Indiana, Suite B, Spokane, WA 99207.

  2. Set up an automatic payment with your bank.

  3. Text to give by texting: (509) 203-4688

    • Enter: give POL {dollar amount} example: give POL 10 to give $10

    • Transaction form will appear that allows you to enter credit card or bank account information

  4. Give online one time or schedule a regular gift by clicking on the "Donate" button below.




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